Plenary Speaker Details


M. Ricardo Ibarra

Prof. M. Ricardo Ibarras research activity has been developed in the fields of magnetism and the magnetic properties of nanostructured materials. Along the past few years his research has also focused on the application of nanotechnology in biomedicine. Significant contributions in the fields of: Magnetic anisotropy in rare earth intermetallics, colossal magnetoresistance in mixed valent magnetic oxides, giant magnetocaloric effect alloys, magnetic thin films, magnetic and superconductors’ nanostructures and magnetic nanoparticles and their application in life sciences. It is worth noticing the explanation of the intrinsic mechanism of the Colossal Magnetoresistance (published in Nature 1997) and the application of magnetic nanoparticles in biomedicine (published in Nano Today 2007) constituted scientific key advances in the area of basic and applied condensed matter physics.
Personal Achievement
He has been invited to give conferences in about 170 meeting, symposia, and workshops; he has delivered: plenary talks in international (15) and national (5) conferences, as well as Keynote (15) and invited talks in international (26) and national (7) conferences, Prof. Ibarra has chaired sessions in many relevant and prestigious Conferences as ICM, MMM, EPS-CMD.

He has coordinated 32 national and international R&D projects of infrastructures and research in the field of magnetism and nanotechnology and its applications, with an overall financial support of €20,000,000.

Head of the Magnetism Section of the European Physical Society 2000-2018, he has participated in more than 30 scientific committees.

Member of the scientific committee in the Institute of Applied Magnetism, Laboratory “Salvador Velayos”, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ADIF, CSIC. Since 2017. Member of the Advisory Board in the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Porto (Portugal); since 2018.
Last 5 years activities

In the last years, he has been awarded with more than 10 prizes in academic and scientific research. Doctor Honoris Causa. AGH University. Krakow (Polonia). 2008. It is worth mentioning the Award ‘Aragón Investiga’ 2009 for Research Excellence; the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) tribute to the researchers who were awarded during the 2009-2010 academic year for their outstanding work in research and for their scientific excellence; the Plaque of Honour AEC-2014, awarded by the Spanish Scientists Association in November 2014; Institute of Nanoscience of Aragon: Award ‘Aragoneses del Año’ in the Science and Technology category, granted by El Periódico de Aragón, 2014; Academic elected by the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical, Chemical and Natural Sciences of Zaragoza, 2016; winner of the Salvador Velayos Magnetism Award 2022.

Publications since 1994


h-index (Scopus/scholar)




